...avoiding amateur hour tonight.
(thank god for spell check, 2 out of the 4 first words of the blog were spelled wrong)
red wine, dark chocolate covered edamame, and wireless internet. perfect saturday night.
as a drink slinger/babysitter/therapist, this is the service industries worst nightmare-day to be working, or to be sitting on a bar stool for that matter. st. patties day wknd in chicago.
people who normally drink 4 bud light limes max, start to drink at 8 a.m until they are passed out in the mud...... lets not forget, too much of one color is obnoxious. as well as pig tails and head bands with antennas ?, Journey on the jukebox , oh, and wearing sunglasses inside. (but that doesnt just apply to holidays) i worked the brunch-evening shift, there was no way in hell i was going out tonight.
drinking holidays aside, because my job forces me to be social for 8 hours at a time or more, when i clock out i can be quite a loner. on the clock, at least my office at work provides me with plenty of social-lube... dr. jamo.
instead of getting in a fight with a frat boy tonight, i stayed in and started a new speed video, watched a couple netflix-nows, and checked out a bunch of artists websites and became really inspired.
monday i go to check out a studio space! i need a space to go nerd out, my apartment is just too small and my attention span is way too short... and im sure my roommates arent thrilled about my train wreck all over the dining room.
im outta wine, off to bed. i hope the st patty survivors i hear out my window dont keep me up al night.
cheers to having red teeth instead of green.