if i'm good at anything, it's over-thinking...
normally i cannot express myself verbally, in turn my portfolio of screaming or crying women and sarcastic remarks about monotony.
it reads this:
people come in and out of your life.
always have, always will.
with an undeniable force, a powerful force.
like the universe sent them.
remember that feeling?
you might have had several...
if you're lucky.
is it possible to meet that "force" and feel that force with one person?
or like they have come in and out of our lives in the past...
will what you think is THE force eventually be gone as well?
or is it someday you make a conscious decision to deny all other forces for one?
and/or after you've made this conscious decision does the universe stop throwing those forces at you?
does the universe recognize marriage licenses?
maybe the force you find repels all other forces?
the next page read:
day 4. (of not drinking, mind you)
post-bikram yoga-clear-mind.
i've come to the conclusion that there's a reason many artists are such boozers, etc. it sedates our constant over-analyzing of everything. i am mentally exhausted.
well there you have it. i want a glass of wine.